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Ī 2019 Independent Security Evaluators study described KeePass as well as other widely used password managers as being unable to control Windows 10's tendency to leave passwords in cleartext in RAM after they are displayed using Windows controlled GUI. Ī 2017 Consumer Reports article described KeePass as one of the four most widely used password managers (alongside 1Password, Dashlane and LastPass), being "popular among tech enthusiasts" and offering the same level of security as non-free competitors. KeePass can import from over 30 other most commonly used password managers. It can use a two-channel auto-type obfuscation feature to offer additional protection against keyloggers.

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It has a password generator and synchronization function, supports two-factor authentication, and has a Secure Desktop mode.

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By default, the KeePass database is stored on a local file system (as opposed to cloud storage). This file can be protected by any combination of a master password, a key file, and the current Windows account details. KeePass stores usernames, passwords, and other fields, including free-form notes and file attachments, in an encrypted file. Additionally, there are several unofficial ports for Windows Phone, Android, iOS, and BlackBerry devices. It officially supports macOS and Linux operating systems through the use of Mono. KeePass Password Safe is a free and open-source password manager primarily for Windows.

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